Fee structure

My goal is to help you feel really positive and excited to be enjoying life, whilst allowing your closest relationships to blossom and be sharp of mind. I want you to live the best life that you can during this transition period, and thats why I am here to partner with you.

  • Initial consultation (30 minute video meeting) £150
  • Reviews (15 minute video meeting) £75
    • Held at 6 weeks, 3 and/ or 6 months
  • Blood tests (clinic visit required) from £250
  • Repeat prescription when ordering online - £30
  • Repeat prescription during paid review appointment – free
  • Annual review (15 minute video meeting) £75
    • Plus annual blood test for Bio-identical HRT, testosterone and DHEA if necessary £250

New patients wishing to start their journey should complete the menopause registration form and the team will call you to arrange an appointment. Payments for appointments is taken in full at time of booking.