What happens in a PRP tear trough treatment?

To create your PRP a small amount of your blood is taken from your arm and then placed in a centrifuge to separate the different types of blood cells.  The platelet rich part of your blood is then extracted to make your personalised PRP serum rich in growth factors. Whilst your PRP serum is being prepared your practitioner will use local anaesthetic to make the procedure more comfortable. Using specialised cannulas to reduce bruising and swelling your PRP serum is then placed into your tear trough to stimulate your collagen production.

Recovery is quick with mild puffiness for 48 hours and <20% possibility of a micro-bruise under your eye which can be covered with make-up.

Results typically start to show once your skin cells have gone through several regenerative cycles of 6 weeks, but nature takes time with full results usually showing at 6 months.