Mhairi Brown

Here at the DRVICTORIA™ Clinic, we practice what we preach. People come to us day in and day out asking for help regarding various skin conditions, and the recommendations we make are not just based on professional training, extensive research and scientific studies, but are also influenced by our own personal experience of the treatments, tools and techniques that we try out ourselves. 

As a team, we regularly undergo treatments so that we can gain a more rounded understanding of each one – how they feel, what results can be realistically achieved, and how we can improve upon them. So, when my colleague Toni mentioned that a red patch on her nose was bothering her, I suggested we try one of our newest treatment combinations.

But before we got to work, I carried out a thorough skin analysis – the results of which highlighted something neither of us were expecting… 

Observing What Lies Under Your Skin

To gain a clear understanding of what Toni’s skin really required, I began by carrying out a detailed skin analysis using our advanced OBSERV520X machine. 

The results of this skin analysis showed the red lesion on her nose as well as the broken capillaries (also known as thread veins) around her nose. However, the skin analysis also highlighted something which neither of us expected to see. Toni had a great deal of diffused redness and inflammation across the face which could potentially worsen in time if not treated effectively. 

After a thorough consultation, I informed Toni about her best treatment options:

  • Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) to help reduce the large areas of redness and inflammation across her cheeks, chin and forehead
  • Laser Vein Removal  to treat the more prominent broken capillaries around her nose

Once I had carried out a patch test and was confident that Toni was suitable for both treatments, I got to work.

Lights, Lasers Action

The large areas of dilated blood vessels on Toni’s face were making her skin appear red, so I began with IPL which uses a broad spectrum of light to target the haemoglobin in the blood vessels. It usually takes between 3 and 6 treatments for these blood vessels to collapse and eventually break down, typically achieving a reduction of around 60%. 

In terms of sensation, Toni described it as a pinching sensation, similar to an elastic band being snapped on her skin.

I then moved on to the laser treatment. The laser is a very focused beam which makes it more suitable for individual thread veins, rather than larger areas of redness, however it works sin a similar way targeting the haemoglobin in the blood vessels. The heat from the laser energy causes the blood vessel to collapse, and typically 1 to 3 treatments are required.

I applied a topical anaesthetic to the skin before commencing, to make the experience as comfortable as possible. 

Following the two treatments, we discussed how best to maximise results. My key advice was to opt for gentle skincare, no exfoliating acids, and I emphasised the need to apply SPF50 every day. 

I also made a couple of recommendations regarding beneficial skincare ingredients for inflamed skin – hyaluronic acid and niacinamide. I also recommended that Toni note any future flair-ups and inform me of any skincare products that she thinks may have triggered them.  

The results speak for themselves

After just one treatment using our IPL and Laser combination service – Toni's results can be seen in the following before and after images. These results can be further improved with another treatment.

comparison before and after 1 month separation

These images of Toni, taken one month apart using the OBSERV520X, clearly show the lesion on the centre of her nose has reduced, as has the redness on her cheeks.

However, Toni didn’t have to wait as long as that to see the difference this treatment combination made. In fact, she was able to see an improvement in her broken capillaries the very next day.

“I have had the lesion on my nose for four years. I have tried many different treatments to remove it, so I was surprised to see the lesion disappear after just one treatment! I am very pleased and there was no downtime.” Toni

Making it easy

As you’ll see from Toni’s results and many others like her, undergoing a combination of IPL and laser can lead to impressive results. So, we have therefore simplified our service options by making a dedicated IPL and laser treatment room for vascular and pigmentation lesions.  You can now book a single service where we use either the IPL or laser or both during your appointment to achieve the desired outcome.  

If have concerns about book a Skin Analysis with me. 

Author's experience

Mhairi has a passion for getting to the root cause of her client’s skin conditions. As an advanced laser and IPL aesthetician Mhairi treats vascular and pigmented lesions safely and effectively to transform the look and feel of their skin. 

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