We are committed to providing safe, high-quality care. We believe in learning from every experience, whether things go as planned or not, to continually improve the safety and quality of our services.

The Duty of Candour, which came into effect on 1st April 2018, ensures that healthcare providers are transparent, honest, and supportive when an unexpected or unintended incident results in harm or death.

What Does This Mean for You?

If something goes wrong with your treatment or care, we are obligated to:

  • Offer a sincere apology.
  • Be open and honest about what happened.
  • Involve you (or a representative acting on your behalf) in a review of the incident.
  • Explain how we will learn from the event to prevent recurrence.

These steps are part of the duty of candour procedure, ensuring transparency and accountability.

The Duty of Candour Procedure

This procedure applies as soon as possible after an unintended or unexpected event causes harm or death, provided the harm is unrelated to the natural course of the illness or condition being treated.

A health professional not directly involved in your care will determine whether the duty of candour procedure is required. The process includes three key stages:

Notification and Explanation

We will inform you of the incident, offer an apology, and outline the next steps.

Face-to-Face Meeting

A meeting will be arranged to answer your questions, share relevant information, and provide an explanation of any further investigations or actions.

Incident Review and Reporting

A detailed review will be conducted, culminating in a written report. This report will include findings, lessons learned, and actions taken to improve safety and prevent similar occurrences.

Annual Reporting

As part of our legal obligations, we publish an annual report summarising the duty of candour incidents that have occurred. Rest assured, no personal or identifying information is included in this report.

Click here to read our report

Your trust and confidence in our care are of the utmost importance to us. If you have any questions about the Duty of Candour or how it applies to your care, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Where can I read more about Duty of Candour?

Click to read the Scottish Government's guidance of Duty of Candour.