Ask yourself, when was the last time you put yourself first? If you’re a busy mum reading this whilst juggling childcare, a home, a career and all the ups and downs of life, your answer is probably far too long ago. I see it every day in the clinic – mums who tell me they “lost themselves’ whilst navigating motherhood. But sometimes all it takes is a little time out and a simple act of confidence-boosting self-care to get your spark and your sense of self back. Read on as I explore the common issues faced by mums just like you, and reveal what treatment is enabling them to be the best version of themselves.
Can you relate to this day in the life of a typical mum?
- 6am: You stayed up late last night catching up on work (as you often do). You look in the mirror and you don’t recognise that tired face looking back at you. Lines and wrinkles are forming around your eyes, your brow is dropping and where there was once a defined jawline there are now sagging jowls.
- 8am: You’re rushing to get the kids ready for school so there’s no time to apply SPF. In fact, years of neglecting to do so is starting to result in uneven skin tone and patches of melasma across your face.
- 12pm: You’re in meetings all day so lunch will consist of a quick bite of something convenient, and there’s definitely no chance of drinking the recommended 2 litres of water today. As a result, your skin is looking dry and lack-lustre.
- 5pm: The commute home is stressful, and everyday stresses like this are causing skin problems to flare up. Plus, you’re sure the city pollution isn’t doing your pores any good.
- 9pm: After the rush of the kids’ dinner, bath and bedtime routine, plus the house chores, you finally put your feet up with a glass of wine or two, unaware of the negative effect this can have on your depleting collagen and elastin levels under the skin.
- 11:30pm: You head to bed exhausted, there isn’t enough time to get a full 8 hours of quality sleep tonight and tomorrow you’ll do it all over again. Eventually this continuous tiredness will become more apparent in your face which will lack volume, elasticity and sparkle.
Make a change
If you can relate to this routine, you’re not alone. And whilst I can’t do anything about your work deadlines and daily commute, or magic up extra hours in the day, I can do something about some of the effects it’s all having on your skin.
Introducing Ultherapy® at the DRVICTORIA™ Clinic. This non-invasive procedure uses focused ultrasound technology to heat up tissue under your skin, triggering your body’s natural production of collagen and elastin in that specific area to create a smoother, more youthful, lifted look.
What’s so special about collagen and elastin?
Collagen is a protein produced by cells called fibroblasts and it is responsible for providing strength, structure and stability to our skin. Elastin is a highly elastic protein responsible for enabling tissue to return to its original shape after stretching or contracting.
Over time your production of collagen and elastin depletes, leading to skin laxity and sagging. Since your face is constantly subjected to movement and pressure (when you smile, sleep, talk, laugh or cry) the loss of collagen and elastic can really take its toll.
Thankfully, Ultherapy® has been proven to be highly effective in countering this reduction in collagen and elastin, and as a result it can:
- Firm and lift sagging jowls
- Lift the brow line for more open youthful eyes
- Tighten skin on the neck to reduce ‘Turkey Neck’
Mum’s the word
The great thing about Ultherapy® is that there are no immediate tell-tale changes in appearance. Instead, results develop gradually over 6 months, which means no one need ever know you’ve had anything done.
- Consultation: During this 30-minute consultation, we’ll run through your medical history and assess if Ultherapy® is appropriate for you. We’ll give you ample opportunity to ask any questions, then create a personalised treatment plan for you.
- Treatment: Everyone is different, so depending on the area to be treated, your appointment could take 30-180 mins. The great thing about Ultherapy® is that you only need a single treatment per area to produce results that last up to 18 months. We can then extend this with booster treatments.
- Aftercare: There is no downtime required so you can return to your usual responsibilities of being mum right away, we just recommend that you try to take it a little easier than usual immediately after. Results will start to be visible around 2-3 months after treatment, with full results visible at 6 months.
- Review: We always want to make sure you’re happy with your results. That’s why we offer a complimentary review after 6 months to ensure your personal treatment plan goals have been achieved.
Take it from Tess
Tess Daly is one of the UK’s best known television presenters. She’s also a busy mum of two, and a huge fan of Ultherapy®.
“I believe in investing in my skin as I do in my general health, looking after what you have got. Ultherapy® works with your own skin to leave you looking refreshed and like you have had a good 8 hours sleep. Ultherapy® only took an hour with no downtime, and over time my skin felt more radiant, boosted and fresh.” Tess Daly
If you’d like to speak to an Ultherapy® expert, put yourself first for once and book a consultation today using our simple online booking system. We’ll be happy to discuss how Ultherapy® could boost your confidence by giving you a well-deserved lift, and enable you to feel like your pre-motherhood self again.
Author's experience
With two decades of experience in medical aesthetics, Dr Victoria has performed thousands of facial rejuvenation treatments. She was the first to introduce Ultherapy® in Scotland and has been a Key Opinion Leader for Ultherapy® visiting their manufacturing facilities in America and participated in steering groups.
Resource Links:
- Ultherapy
- National Library of Medicine, Use of Micro-focused Ultrasound for Skin Tightening of Mid and Lower Face, Shome, Vadera, Ram, Khare and Kapoor, 2019
- Harpers Bazaar, What You Need to Know about Ultherapy – From an Editor Who’s Experienced It, Lucy Glen, 2022
- Women’s Health, Everything You've Ever Wanted to Know About Ultherapy, Kristina Rodulfo, 2024