Hello Keravive, goodbye bad hair days

Hannah Holmes's picture

We all have bad hair days – those days when your ‘crowning glory’ just isn’t doing what it should and you end up tying your tresses in a top knot or hiding it under a hat in defeat. But if you’re finding those occasional bad hair days are becoming more and more common, and no amount of teasing or tousling can create the volume and shine you want, it’s time to take action.

Below I share how we can revive and restore areas of thinning hair and reduce hair shedding with HydraFacial® Keravive.

Who turned down the hair volume?

There are a variety of reasons your hair might have lost its sparkle. Your hair might be dull, brittle and generally a little lack-lustre due to the overuse of hairdryers and straighteners without adequate heat protection spray. You might also have some product build-up – dry shampoo being one of the most common culprits!

But it could also be down to something more complex. Age, stress, poor diet, and genetics can all have a negative impact on your hair, causing it to thin, recede, and shed more frequently. Hormones can also have a major effect, with many of my clients coming to me after the birth of a baby, or at the on-set of the menopause, for example.

Most recently though, I have had several clients say they think their hair is a lot thinner after having covid, and there are now studies emerging confirming that is a widespread problem (Ref 1). 

Who, what, where?

Whilst we often associate thinning hair with men, findings have just been released from an important cross-sectional study which shows more than half of women over age 50 will experience thinning hair (Ref 2).

Whilst for men the most commonly affected area is along the temple hair line, for women the problem can be more generalised, with hair thinning all over.

Ditch the bad hair habits

If you’re starting to notice your hair is looking thinner, there are some things you can do to stop the problem escalating. For a start, ditch the bleach and any harsh chemicals which can weaken the hair and cause it to break. 

Secondly, don’t resort to hair extensions to add body – they can potentially end up making the problem a whole lot worse. Badly applied extensions that are too heavy can damage the hair and pull on the follicles, as can scraping your hair back into an up-do every day.

Thirdly check your diet is giving your hair all the nutritional support it needs as nutritional deficiency may impact both hair structure and hair growth. (Ref 3) 

Why healthy hair matters

I’ve seen first-hand how thinning hair can impact on people’s lives. It can knock their confidence, affect their self-esteem, and even cause anxiety. 

Yet scalp health is still something that most people generally don’t ever think about, until they have a problem. I therefore think it’s important that we talk about scalp health in order to prevent problems starting and snowballing. 

There’s a new treatment suitable for all hair types

I’ve long been a fan of HydraFacial treatments. Their skin facials cleanse your pores of impurities creating a healthy glow like no other. So when HydraFacial® announced their first ever hair treatment, I was first in line to find out more!

Their 90-day program is suitable for all hair types. The treatment is designed to cleanse, nourish, and hydrate your scalp and hair follicles to reduce hair thinning and to actively thicken your hair – what’s not to love about that?!

Introducing Keravive 

During your first appointment I’ll assess your hair texture, thickness and colour, and get to the ‘root’ (!) of the problem – whether that’s low scalp hydration, clogged follicles, dead skin congestion, or poor circulation.

Then I’ll get to work:

  1. Cleanse & Exfoliate: Using HydraFacial’s powerful Vortex Technology, I’ll extract the dirt, oil and impurities from your key problem areas on the scalp. I’ll then exfoliate your scalp.
  2. Hydrated & Nourish: Next up, I’ll nourish your scalp and hair follicles with HydraFacial® Keravive Peptide Complex Solution which contains biomimetic growth factors and skin proteins to promote a healthy scalp and healthier, fuller-looking hair.
  3. Extend & Enhance: I’ll then provide you with a bottle of HydraFacial® Keravive Peptide Complex Spray to take away and use at home. This contains the same biomimetic growth factors and skin proteins found in the in-clinic solution.

Keep going, keep growing!

According to a HydraFacial® Clinical Evaluation, patients reported improvement in scalp itchiness, scalp dryness, scalp flakiness and hair fullness after just one Keravive treatment (Ref 4). However, it’s important you attend all three appointments and use the HydraFacial Keravive Peptide Complex Spray daily to get the best results.

It usually takes six months to see the full benefits, and ideally the treatment should be repeated once or twice a year to maintain the good work.

Bid farewell to bad hair days

Already a HydraFacial® convert? Then you’ll know about the glow! Just wait till you see what their Keravive treatment can do for your hair. Book online now and say hello to your new hair hero – Keravive! 


Author's experience
Hannah was one the first in the UK to get certified as a HydraFacial Connect Master therapist becoming an expert in HydraFacial skin and hair treatments and qualified to act as a guest trainer.

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